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Información de envío para Macedonia

iHerb es una empresa estadounidense que desde 1996 envía productos a clientes de más de 180 países diferentes. Todas las compras se envían directamente desde nuestros centros de distribución en California, Illinois y Pensilvania, y a nivel internacional desde Corea del Sur y Hong Kong.

MK Macedonia

Métodos de envío disponibles

Delivery by Local Post Plus DHL Express

General Information

Due to the fluctuations of the exchange rate, orders with value very close to the tax-free limit may be assessed Duties and Taxes (D&T) as the currency exchange rate may vary from the order date to the customs clearance date.

Please check with your local customs office to see if you can import the items, and if any additional licenses or permits are needed.

Customs Information

For information about customs, import duties, etc., visit: Republic of Macedonia – Customs Administration


All iHerb orders are shipped out from our US warehouses to your country by Air Freight. 

The Estimated Delivery window provided by iHerb reflects most standard deliveries. However, some orders may occasionally be subject to longer transit time caused by air freight delay, Customs hold, or any other unforeseen complications outside of iHerb’s control.

You may have to pay import taxes, customs duties, or a brokerage (handling) fee for your order. These charges are separate from your shipping fee, and you will be billed directly from the carrier of your choice.

  • DHL Express: For shipping related inquiries regarding DHL Express orders, please contact the DHL Express Customer Service at 15333.
  • FedEx: For shipping related inquiries regarding FedEx orders, please contact the FedEx call center at +389 2 260 0614 or email at [email protected]
  • Delivery by Local Post Plus: Additional tracking available within the destination country. Complete in-country tracking cannot be guaranteed as final mile scans are completed by the local post. Applies to orders valued up to $100.00 and weighing no more than 4 lbs (1.8kg). For shipping related inquiries please contact your local post.

Contact Us

Click here to get connected with iHerb's customer service.

Métodos de pago disponibles

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